Physical beauty is all about the aesthetics and the symmetry of the body, and that means all parts of the body need to be in a perfect condition.

Your smile is one of the key elements to achieve natural beauty, but due to stained, misaligned or broken teeth, many people choose not to smile and are actually afraid to do so because they feel self-conscious about that problem and can lead them to losing confidence in themselves.

To solve that problem, Aram Clinic is offering a revolutionary solution which is dental veneers in Turkey.

With dental veneers you will be able to have the natural look of your teeth back while also having them shining and healthy.

With Aram Clinic you will be able to have your smile back and regain your self-confidence.

And the best part is that you will be having the dental veneers in Turkey with the help of our top dentists and at the lowest cost in the market. This is your chance to have your natural beauty back with Aram Clinic in Turkey.

How much do dental veneers in Turkey cost?

Dental operations in general can be a bit costly, which is why so many people choose not to undergo them and instead end up with even more problems with their teeth.
But don't let that be the case with you, we understand the importance of this procedure which is why our mission is to give you the best prices for cosmetic surgeries in Turkey.
Aram Clinic's all-inclusive package is your way of getting your dental veneers and also saving 70% on the price compared to other places like Europe, Canada and U.K.
This is because with our all-inclusive package you can have the dental veneers in Turkey while having all the costs covered like :

  • The doctor's payment.
  • The hotel room at a very high-end place.
  • The cost of the operation.
  • All operation related transportation.
  • The postoperative care and medication.

Aram Clinic has combined total professionalism and affordability to offer all our patients the best and most relaxing experience when they come to Turkey.

I want a new smile

express quote

Why choose Aram Clinic to have your dental veneers in Turkey ?

We strive to offer all our patients the best care in the world and with the most affordable price, when you choose to have your dental veneers at Aram Clinic in Turkey you will be able to :

  • Correct stained, yellow, gapped, misaligned teeth in just 2 sessions.
  • Have veneers designed by the best dental cosmetics experts.
  • Get the best advice on the choice of solution (brand, shape, color).
  • Benefit from full support from the study of your panoramic X-rays to your stay in Istanbul.
  • Take advantage of our dental facilities and our state-of-the-art clinic.
  • Make significant savings with our affordable prices.
  • Have you accompanied by our staff and a translator.
  • Receive the best advice for the maintenance of your teeth after installation and a privileged link with our teams after your departure.

What are dental veneers ?

Dental veneers are thin films 0.2 to 0.3mm thick that are made of porcelain or composite, they are ultra-thin and therefore undetectable.
The material of the pellicular veneers is biocompatible and does not cause any damage to the teeth.
Perfectly adapted to the treated tooth, they are glued to the tooth to create a protective shell.

Who are the best candidates for dental veneers ?

Dental veneers are intended for people that want to restore their damaged teeth and change their general appearance.
The veneers will also help you obtain a more beautiful look to your teeth in terms of shape, size and shade.
Veneers will also :

  • Fix a moderate alignment issue.
  • Eliminate the gap between the front teeth.
  • Protect from weakened teeth.

How is dental veneers performed in Istanbul ?

The procedure takes several steps and will take place in the clinic and be split into multiple sessions to insure the best possible results.
The first thing that the doctor will do when you arrive at the clinic is to perform an oral check up to see your condition.
With this oral check and other tests, the dentist will create a treatment plan for you, this is done so that the doctor can identify your needs and desires as well as the solution best suited to your case.
For this, the dental surgeon does a clinical examination of the patient, examines the radiograph previously made and checks the health of the gums and teeth.
If you have severe cavities or periodontal problems, treatment is recommended before moving on to veneers.
During this first session, an impression of your teeth is made, during this step; the doctor can prepare the wax-up model of your ideal teeth mock-up and a preview of the wax-up to get an idea of the final rendering.
After a few days, the laying of the veneers takes place.
The dentist gently lays the veneers one by one using a bonding composite, this session requires extreme attention to detail and concentration to achieve a natural look and it lasts between 3 to 4 hours.

What happens after dental veneers ?

After the installation of dental veneers, you may notice some redness in your gums and possible temporary sensitivity of the teeth, the pain is easily manageable with some painkillers and will fade away in a few days.
To best take care of your teeth you must switch to a better and healthier diet, meaning that you should stay away from acidic food and food that can stain your teeth like :

  • Red wine.
  • Coffee.
  • Tea.
  • Fruit juice.
  • Meat.
  • Candy.
  • Hard food.

If you have a habit of grinding your teeth you should work on stopping it as it can damage your teeth.
Stay away from over chewing and biting into hard objects.
To keep the results of your dental veneers for much longer it's advised that you start practicing oral hygiene, meaning that you must brush your teeth daily and floss to get rid of all potential bacteria.

What are the results of the dental veneers ?

You will have a natural and aesthetic look that gives a dazzling shine to your white teeth.
Ceramic veneers look very similar to natural teeth and are stain and heat resistant.
The lifespan of the veneers is about fifteen years and allows you to have complete comfort during chewing, it also protects weakened teeth and gives you more confidence.

What are the risks of dental veneers ?

Even though dental veneers are extremely efficient in providing you with naturally shining looking teeth, they have a small risk factor that you need to take into consideration.
Your doctor will explain these risks when you meet with them in much more detail, you will understand that they are very rare and mild if they happen.
The doctor will also give you way and instructions on how to stay safe from these risks.
Some of the complications of dental veneers are :

  • Bleeding
  • Teeth Sensitivity.
  • General Discomfort.
  • Infection in the gum
  • Increased Risk of Tooth Pulp Injury.
  • Miss placed veneers.
  • Unmatched colors to your natural teeth.

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International certifications and accreditations of the Aram clinic

  • ISO 27001
  • ISO 22000
  • ISO 9001
  • Certification JCI
  • RAL