Dieting and exercising are the best natural ways to lose weight and follow a much healthier lifestyle.

However, what many people don't know is in the case of extreme obesity those traditional methods do not offer the best results and some people aren't even able to do them due tp some physical challenges.

So what's the answer? How can you lose weight rapidly? Well Aram Clinic has the perfect solution for you, we offer you the gastric band in Turkey.

The gastric band procedure in Turkey is one of the most innovative ways to lose weight, after the operation you will start to have a much slimmer figure and you will follow a better and healthier lifestyle.

And with Aram Clinic you can rest assured that your procedure will be done with the help of our best and most skilled doctors, and at the lowest price in all of Turkey.

How much doe gastric band in Turkey costs ?

You want to lose weight but can't afford it because it's too expensive? Fear not, Aram Clinic is here to help you achieve your dream.
Our main mission at Aram Clinic is to offer all of our patients the best and most relaxing experience, and to achieve that we want you to be stress free, that means you shouldn't think about the cost of the operation.
This is why we have created our one of a time all-inclusive package that helps you pay only one time to have all the costs of the operation covered, costs like :

  • The doctor's payment.
  • The hotel room in Istanbul.
  • The transportation.
  • The post medical care.

With Aram Clinic's all-inclusive package you will be able to have the a gastric band in Turkey while saving 70% on the cost compared to other places.

To benefit from it, it's simple, ask for your free estimate

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What is a gastric band ?

Gastric banding surgery, also known as gastric banding or laparoscopy, is a weight loss surgery and obesity treatment procedure that helps overweight and obese people change their eating habits, lose weight and improve their overall health.
A gastric band is a silicone band that is placed around the upper part of the stomach, giving it the shape of a timer.
With the gastric band your stomach will shrink in size making you eat fewer amounts of food to feel full, which will then help you lose a significant amount of weight.

How does the gastric band work ?

Placing the adjustable band around the upper part of the stomach irritates the sensors which in turn send a message to the brain to alert it that you are no longer hungry.
Meaning that the gastric band procedure is a restrictive technique which makes it possible to reduce the volume of the stomach as well as the rhythm of the passage of food. However, it does not affect the quality of digestion.
Provoking the feeling of satiety is the principle of the operation.

Who are the best candidates to have the gastric band procedure ?

To insure that the procedure goes smoothly and achieves in intended goals, you must have some criteria inorder for the gastric band procedure to be suitable for you.
You may be eligible for the gastric band if :

  • Your BMI (body mass index) score is 40 or higher.
  • Your BMI is 35 or more and you have other medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure that require weight loss for your good.
  • You do not have a negative reacting to general anesthesia.
  • You are ready to change your diet and follow your doctor's advice.
  • You have failed to lose weight with traditional methods like dieting or exercise.

How to prepare for gastric band procedure ?

There are some necessary preparations that you need to do before having the operation, the first step of your preparation journey is meeting with your doctor so that you can discuss the procedure with them.
The doctor will also run some blood tests to check your eligibility for the surgery; these tests may also show whether you have any health conditions related to obesity that may prevent you from having the operation.
The doctor will check your medication history to see if you are taking any meds that may cause a threat to you during the operation.
If you are a smoker then your should stop for at least 6 weeks before the day of the surgery, this is due to the fact that smoking can affect wound healing and can also lead to some complications.
Starting on a diet before the operation is a vital step in insuring that you get the best results possible and keep them for a very long time.
Speak with your doctor and dietitian so that you can prepare a diet plan that best suits you and your condition.

How is a gastric band placed ?

Before the operation, the doctor will give you general anesthesia.
The procedure is performed by laparoscopy and usually lasts one hour.
Your surgeon will start by making several small incisions in your stomach and inserting a long, thin telescope with a light and a camera lens on one end, called a laparoscope, through the incisions so they can see inside.
Then, the doctor will place the gastric band around the upper part of your stomach to create a small upper pocket.
The ring is held in place by folding part of your lower abdomen over the ring and sewing it to your upper stomach pouch.
Your gastric band is connected to an injection port just under your skin by a thin piece of tubing.
Your surgeon will inflate the ring with sterile fluid after your operation.
The injection port allows your surgeon to inflate or deflate your band and adjust the size of the opening from your upper pocket to your lower pocket, allowing you to control the rate at which your pocket empties.
Your surgeon will then end the operation by closing the cuts, usually with disposable stitches under your skin.

What happens during the recovery after a gastric band ?

After the gastric band operation, you will spend the night in the hospital to be monitored by our medical team in case you need any assistance and to help you relax.
During the first period of your healing, you will only be able to have fluids; you will then switch to pureed soft foods before returning to eating solid foods.
Your surgeon or a dietitian will discuss with you the diet and exercise changes you should make to achieve a healthier lifestyle and help you achieve your weight loss goals and keep you slim figure for a much longer period.
Their diet plan will include recommendations for your food choices and the amounts you should consume.
You may need pain relief and can take over-the-counter pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
You will need to go to follow-up appointments, especially for the adjustment of your gastric band, it often takes several adjustments to find the right level of restriction.

What are the risks of a gastric band ?

All medical and cosmetic surgeries have one thing in common, no matter how efficient they are there is always potential risks and complications.
Your doctor will instruct you on how to avoid these risks, but you should know that they are very rare.
Here are some risks of a gastric band :

  • Bleeding.
  • Blood clot.
  • Wound pain.
  • Infection.
  • Tube breakage.
  • Ring Slip.
  • Ring dilation.

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International certifications and accreditations of the Aram clinic

  • ISO 27001
  • ISO 22000
  • ISO 9001
  • Certification JCI
  • RAL