Obesity is one of the main problems that our modern world is facing now, it is the cause of so many diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and even heart problems.

Plus it give you a saggy and unsymmetrical look to your figure and it can make many people lose confidence in the way they look.

And it's not that easy to lose weight, it takes so much time and effort and in many cases, traditional methods like dieting and training do no work for everyone, so what's the solution ?

Aram Clinic is always here to give the answer to that question, we offer the most modern and innovative solution for this problem and that is the gastric balloon procedure in Turkey.

The gastric balloon in Turkey makes you lose weight without surgery.

Gastric ballon is one of the safest and most efficient procedures to lose weight, it presents a less invasive alternative to obesity surgeries and delivers equally impressive results.

And with Aram Clinic you will have the gastric balloon in Turkey with the help of our best doctors and with the lowest price in all of Turkey.

How much does gastric balloon in Turkey cost ?

Being one of the best destinations for having a cosmetic surgery, Turkey is full of aesthetic clinics, but to have the best experience you will need to know the most affordable prices.
Well, Aram Clinic is here to deliver that purpose; we have made it our mission to be the most budget friendly and lowest price for having a cosmetic surgery in all of Turkey.
With Aram Clinic you will be able to have the gastric balloon procedure in Turkey and save up to 70% on the price because we offer a unique all-inclusive package.
Our all-inclusive package covers the costs of the operation like, the doctor's payment, the cost of the medication, the transportation and your hotel room in Istanbul at a very high-end establishment.
This is why we have so many people choosing us, our patients come from all over the world and are always satisfied and we at Aram clinic invite you to become a member of our family.

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What is a gastric balloon ?

The gastric balloon procedure is a non-surgical weight loss procedure; It allows you to lose between 15 to 25 kg.
Unlike bariatric surgery procedures, the intragastric balloon is the least invasive method of weight loss and does not require any cuts or incisions.
Indeed, the principle of this technique consists in placing a silicone balloon in the stomach in order to reduce its volume by limiting the amount of food that you will be consuming.
The balloon is swallowed like a simple tablet then inflates in the stomach to limit its absorption faculties.
This ball reduces appetite and increases the feeling of you being full even when eating small amounts of food.

How does the intragastric balloon work ?

The gastric balloon works by providing an artificial feeling of fullness in the stomach to help you limit overeating and reduce appetite.
This procedure can also improve your eating habits by encouraging you to eat healthy, balanced foods and reduce portions in a sustainable way.
The intragastric balloon is a temporary device to help you start a weight loss program and make a lasting change in your diet and lifestyle.

Who are the best candidates to have a gastric balloon ?

This procedure is best suited for :

  • People that are in a good health and at least 18 years old.
  • Have a BMI between 27 and 40.
  • Have type 2 diabetes
  • Are very overweight and do not want to do invasive bariatric surgery
  • Failed to lose weight with traditional ways.

Gastric balloon placement offers a very safe and efficient solution to lose weight, however, the procedure is not indicated in cases of pregnancy, intestinal diseases and alcoholism.

How to prepare for a gastric balloon ?

The gastric balloon procedure requires some preparation so that you can guarantee a smooth procedure without any risk of potential complications.
The first steps in your preparation journey is to meet with your doctor for a preoperation appointment, during which, the doctor will run some tests on you to see if you capable of undergoing the operation.
A gastroscopy will be done before the operation to ensure that there are no ulcers or congenital stomach defects.
The doctor will also take a look at your medical history to see if you have any diseases that can prevent you from undergoing the operation and if you are any taking any medication that you should stop taking.
You have to make sure that you let your doctor know about any drugs or medications that you are taking.
You must fast for at least 12 hours before the operation because the operation will be done under general anesthesia, as determined by the doctor.
Make sure you have someone prepared to drive you home and take care of you for at least the first day after the operation.

How is the gastric balloon placed ?

The procedure requires general anesthesia and an overnight hospital stay, it is a simple and safe procedure that only lasts for about 30 minutes at most.
Using an endoscope, the surgeon places the deflated balloon in the stomach after passing it through the mouth and through the esophagus.
Then, using a catheter, he fills the balloon with air or physiological fluid so that it occupies a volume in the gastric cavity, the surgeon chooses the appropriate balloon size for each patient.
The balloon stays in the body for about six months, which is enough time to promote lasting changes.
At the end of the six-month treatment process, the gastroenterologist empties the balloon and removes it through the mouth by gastroscopy in the same way as it was inserted.

What happens after gastric balloon surgery ?

Gastric ballon does not require a long healing period, in fact many people are able to resume their normal activities the day after the operation.
However, it is likely that you have acid reflux, stomach aches, vomiting and nausea for the first few days after the ball is posed, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medication to lower the discomfort.
During the first week of your healing, you should start with a liquid diet then work your way up to pureed food, then soft foods and soon enough you will be able to eat normal food in much less quantities.
You should avoid exercise and physically demanding activities for at least a month so you won't damage your insides.
The intragastric balloon is most effective when combined with a weight loss program supervised by the physician, dietician and psychologist to help you achieve and maintain the weight loss goals.
The success of the procedure is also based on your commitment and willingness to improve your eating habits and lifestyle even after the removal of the intragastric balloon.

What are the results of the gastric balloon procedure ?

Over the six months following the placement of your gastric balloon, you will be able to reduce the amount of food that you will consume, improve your eating habits, and make lifestyle changes conducive to overall weight loss.
The gastric balloon procedure allows an average weight loss of about 15 kg during the first 6 months.
These results vary from patient to patient, in fact, patients who continue to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly can lose up to 40% of their excess weight, they will see continuous improvement even after the ball is removed, until reaching an ideal BMI.

What are the risks of a gastric balloon ?

Gastric balloon surgery is one of the best choices to rapidly lose weight without having too many risks, however there is always the chance of having some potential risks.
There risks are highly rare and the doctor will instruct you on how to best stay away from them.

Some of the risks of the gastric balloon are :

  • Gastric discomfort
  • Abdominal pain
  • Minor bleeding
  • Rupture of the balloon (very rare, but the balloon usually passes
  • naturally through the intestine).

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International certifications and accreditations of the Aram clinic

  • ISO 27001
  • ISO 22000
  • ISO 9001
  • Certification JCI
  • RAL